First of all, if you're going to watch this a movie, or ANY movie of the soft-core/erotica type, make sure you get the UN-rated version. Secondly, I find it laughable when people are critical of movies like these for their "lack of plot". Who actually watches a soft-core movie like this for a good story? The purpose of this, or any other movie like this, is to arouse the viewer with sexy looking, non-explicit love scenes (i.e., no hard-core, close up shots like you'd expect in a porno)...and this movie does a very good job of that. All three of the female members of the cast (Tracy Smith, Lauren Hays, Nancy O'Brien) are attractive, especially Tracy Smith. All three give realistic performances during their sex scenes, as if they're actually having sex and enjoying it. And the hot tub scene between Tracy Smith and Nancy O'Brien is especially erotic to watch. If you're looking for a well thought out, suspenseful movie, with a tight plot, great acting, and good character development, I suggest you watch L.A. Confidential. If you're looking to arouse your libido with good sex scenes involving beautiful women, make sure you get the un-rated version, sit back, and enjoy.