A weekend reunion becomes a confrontation with an humanoid lizard creature created by a mad scientist as a group of young adults are forced to face the terrible sins of their past. Rented this one because I've never heard of it and it looked like it would offer great cheesy b-movie goodness. To my surprise, it came threw as a surprisingly impressive horror film, despite being littered with flaws. their's a fair amount of originality in this film--for example, the creature's origin, once explained, is quite interesting, the characters, spare a few, were likable, and, since the film was directed by Michael Burnett, who comes from an F/X background, as you would imagine, the special effects in this film are quite good. The gore effects (Decapitations, throat slicings, eye gougings) look excellent and the monster effects look pretty darn impressive for what must have been a low-budget. That said, their are some flaws--the script is rearly interesting and is loaded with stupid lines ("this Sh*t looks like my dead grandpa"), and, most irritating, the main character's girlfriend seems to have quite a bit of knowledge about reptiles, considering she's a freakin' MEDICAL STUDENT!!!!!! All in all, not a bad pic. Has enough gore, action, and unexpected twists to keep me interested. I'm in a good mood, i'll give it a 6.5/10.