Wow, what is there to say? I'm completely blown away by what is essentially a masterpiece. A movie that was heavily watched over by the vultures that are the critics. Waiting to have something bad to say; something that would hinder this film's integrity. Despite of that, despite of the pressures ensued while making this delicacy, the directors Steve Hickner & Simon Smith, they nailed it.
A film that tugs at your heart strings and brings a tear to the manliest man's eye. An artistic piece that reminds you of who you are and what you stand for. What it is, is essentially a nostalgia act, reminding us all of when we were at our very most happy state of mind.
I can't lie, I was a little upset at the lack of Oscar nominations and awards generally. John Goodman's voice acting is sensational and all out gripping. I was almost routing for the guy! (He's the bad guy). Surely he should have had at very least an Oscar nomination? Not to mention that Barry B. Benson was coming out with the most inspirational quotes since Martin Luther King. Where's the awards for that?!
You know to sum it all up, there's been a lot of good animated films in this generation. There's 'Finding Nemo', 'Chicken Little', 'Monster House' etc.. But this, this is a level above; it's raised the bar. I can honestly end this review saying, this is animated equivalent of The Shawshank Redemption.
Thanks for your time, and keep on pollinating.