This coming of age comedy drama has a young, mature, and sexy and attractive cast. The trio of budding males, who are out to sow their oats on a scenic Greek island, have spent most of their lives studying and growing up in Italy. Their parents are, surprisingly, very unmeddling and quite supportive of their maturing sons.
This genre, particularly in America, has been done continuously as in such films as American Pie and Fast Times at Ridgemont High, etc. As previously mentioned, the movie has an attractive cast that acts well, the locale is spectacular and makes you want to immediately go on vacation, and the music fits its scenery.
But it is the script, cowritten by the talented, and still young, Italian actor/writer Silvio Muccino (who also stars in the film), with its lack of focus and diverse set of messages, that makes the film lose its hold over you. The film attempts to incorporate both seriousness and laughs, where it might have been better to focus more on one or the other. Its message is just too diffuse and doesn't quite have the impact that it strives for.
Hopefully this is the first of many cinematic learning experiences and is a start-up spark plug for Mr. Muccino's film career, who obviously has enough energy and charisma to carry a film on his own. Let's all hope he continues his writing and acting (and maybe even begins some directing) and develops his own style to one day become Italy's answer to Quentin Tarantino. Overall grade: B-.