No way... I just saw this movie on the Fantasy Film Fest and I am still wondering what this is supposed to be. I have to grant the makers that they planted a truckload of strange ideas in this low budget movie that looks like being shot on Betacam. If you are looking for a gory horror movie I doubt this is the right one for you. The basic story reminds ofRuss Meyer meets Reality-Survive-Gameshow meets Art-house meets sick TCMretard family. For most of the time you see some nice Latina girls in Bikinis in a house with pool having fun. You get girls swimming, girls sunbathing and girls dancing like in a video clip. A lot of this is pretty over the top in bright flashy colors and with an overuse of loud music and aggressive sound effects. Right when you think you are in the wrong movie it is revealed that the girls are rather forced to have so much fun because they play a strange game with rules that if not followed have the girls getting their head bashed by a funny psycho with a strange hat and even stranger smile or tortured in the toolshed. This sound like a load of other movies but believe me, you get something different. Not just the synchronized dance scene... you get some flashbacks to how the girls got to the "house of fun" which are shown in very different fashion and have a strong art-house meets trash meets telenovela style to them. One girl dies and her life is told in a backward flash, the other girls story of abduction is showing them in strange punk-rock or art performances. And as if this mixing with the bikini girls dancing and bathing is not enough you even get some very strange Elements that remind of David Lynch and an animated dream sequence. I honestly didn't know what all this was supposed to mean until after a little bloodbath and bikini girl decimation by chainsaw, nailgun, hammer to the head and knifing as well as a pretty funny decapitation scene the whole thing is revealed in a strange finale. Even though my total confusion was cleared up a bit I still think a lot in this movie didn't make much sense and many sequences were stretched way too long (especially the uninteresting dialog and the final escape scene). The mix of at least a million elements with some humor, some gore, some experimental stuff and the girls talking and bathing is just too much and if someone really calls this a horror movie I wonder what drugs he is on. This movie is only for horror fans in a way that Necromantik2 was for horror fans. The key scenes are nothing compared to the parts of the movie that rather seem like a trashy art-house movie with a Russ Meyer vibe. There sure is some interesting elements in this movie but as a whole it was rather a mess to me. For sure if you are into very strange and low budget movies you can give this a try.