I went to see this film not expecting it to be anything much but I thought it was a respectable effort after I had seen it. I must admit I was surprised to be the only person in a cinema with about 200 seats-I think that speaks to the way people are avoiding going out these days in general more than it speaks to the quality of the film. The use of colour in the film was very good and the part played by a kid was very well done-it is a film that also shows various shots of kids all over the Vietnam area and I think some other places also-sort of like a 'homage' to kids-as they are often forgotten parts of the modern world in many ways in the sense that modern society is mostly about being adults-people forget there are kids growing up all over the place taking in the never ending adult self gratification show from a distance. The film is sensitive and intelligent-and not in English-it is in Vietnamese, but has easy to read English subtitles. Great shots of grinning kids from all over East Asia. Fun and a treat if you like world cinema.