I treated myself to a blind screening upon sneaking in. AMC's standard theaters never use the signs that should tell patrons what movie is inside. I knew beforehand that FR was only 90 minutes in a small Cessna, so I stayed. The trailer gives away the first half hour. I enjoyed the give and take struggle. US Marshal Madolyn taking a witness to Anchorage, then Seattle and NY to testify against Moretti. Incidentally, this is the character name for the main cop in Dog Day Afternoon. Homage or lazy screenwriting, you decide. But the pilot, Booth, is really working for Moretti and is certifiably insane to boot. Winston is the embezzling accountant, even though he admits on the plane that he should have gone to college. So he's really just a bookkeeper, more bad screenwriting. Anyway, the film has a lot of action despite the close quarters. I'm glad I saw this with a significant and vocal audience. We got a kick out of it and were not bored. A lot of dramatic license was taken. Mark Wahlberg was an over the top howl as Booth. Michelle Dockery was very good as Madolyn and got to show the full gamut of emotions. Topher Grace was a bit too snotty and wiseass as Winston, fulfilling his script requirements. Lisa Rimini was great as the boss on the phone, as was Paul Ben Victor as the Marshall boss. Mel Gibson's direction was not extraordinary, but his was a simple enough job given the circumstances. I obviously got my money's worth.