This is an Internet cartoon about Ollie, the only person in the world who can talk to cats for some reason and her cat Scoops. I think what makes this cartoon truly special is how it focuses so much on the side characters. For something that's only had eight episodes, that's quite impressive. My favorite is still "Old Crumplecranks!" because of how its humor goes on endlessly. They even got the voice of Marco from "Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil" on this! The animation is fantastic.
Ollie and Scoops are still extremely likeable characters. It's undeniably cartoonish, but its storytelling is still pretty mundane. It's mostly about a girl and her cat. Yes, it helps that I love cats so much. It's about time we got some good media about them! Ollie spends most of her time just helping and loving others, although she can still be stressed.
It can be crude at times, but it's still very lighthearted compared to most Internet cartoons. It's nice we have something more like that. I'm not against those adult cartoons, but it's nice to have some kid friendly stuff on the Internet. You know, stuff that's actually watchable and not monotonous. They worked so hard to make these characters so unique. It's a very underrated series and it makes me proud to be a Newgrounds reviewer too! ****