This Chinese-made romantic comedy series leaves no romantic comedy cliche unaddressed. Man and woman meet cute (Check...well, she crashes into his car while experiencing a sleep attack). Man has loyal, dunder-headed best friend and girl has sassy best friend (check). Sheer coincidence has them living next to each other (check). Man and woman conflict (check). Man and woman live together in same apartment and keep it secret from family and friends (check). Interfering mother shows up (check). The romantic rival to the man is rich and attractive (check...also a pretty nice guy). An 11th hour misunderstanding separates the lovers (check). A mad dash before the loved leaves for some distant place (check). And so it goes.
If it sounds like I'm being critical, I'm really not. It's all in the execution and this one plays out nicely and not too improbably across 28 episodes (which breeze by). Timmy Xu and Xin Qiao make a charming pair with Xin Qiao playing a cursed (but quirky-cute) girl with narcolepsy who can't find love but seems to always find disaster. Timmy Xu plays an insomniac TV producer that gets caught up with her (their respective sleeping disorders an interesting part of the show). It's all good fun and definitely NOT to be taken too seriously.
I particularly liked the addition of little mini-scenes expanding on events in the main episode as well as unedited portions of the film accompanying the credits. The latter reminding us (I think) that this is nothing more or less than a televised fantasy. (And it looks like everyone was having a good time during the filming...hope that's true). I also liked the use of the song "Close to You" at different points (sung in English by someone with a charming Chinese accent).