"El Poderoso Victoria", known in its film festival stage as "Poderosa Victoria" is a film that has great production design, an excellent period setting, tremendous costumes and first-rate art direction, as well as an incredible cinematography and a perfect soundtrack. For its part, the cast is well chosen, with a great performance by Gerardo Oñate as the protagonist, accompanied by acclaimed actors such as Edgar Vivar, Eduardo España and Luis Felipe Tovar, in addition to the cinematographic presentation of Rogeiro Martín del Campo, who has a promising career. The film's flaws are found in its script that presents a good story about not giving up, but is full of comic scenes that are well used at some moments of the footage but fails at others and becomes quite cartoonish as if it would have come out of an episode of "Looney Tunes" especially in those starring The Coyote and The Road Runner, even a touch of fantasy is integrated that tries to fit into magical realism, for his part the director of the film loses strength in trying to portray a period film with comedy and drama without being able to decide which genre he is really choosing. Worst are the cheap CGI special effects that are reminiscent of a 2000's TV movie. "El Poderoso Victoria" manages to leave a good message and get some laughs but something was missing to be a really good movie.