I teach Introduction to World Religions. At the end of the semester for each term since 2011 I have been showing this documentary.
What the Naudet brothers did is unlike any other documentary I have ever seen or been able to locate.
The 12 leaders in the video do an amazing job. The way they answer questions such as what their childhood was like, their calling to leadership, their daily practices (such as what time they wake-up), sacrifices both personal and otherwise they have made, their views on violence, and overall the way they share a day of their lives brings about a deeper understanding.
In today's society with so much devastation both natural and mad made this video continues to enlighten students to how the religious leaders of this world are human, have struggles, and often have to find the balances in life and understanding the events encountered.
I have recommended this video for years and truly wish that CBS, GoldFish Productions, or that National Geographic could see the value of this film. It is truly with a heavy heart that I realize this is the last semester I will be showing the video to students as there is not an online version for online students and the general versions that one can purchase online do not have CC.
Again, absolutely love this documentary from subject matter to format and believe anyone who watches it gains perspectives they did not have and has an opportunity to improve their empathy towards those different than themselves.