The absolute best Documentary about FASTING, period !!
The absolute definition of SCIENCE is ... reality based KNOWLEDGE which stands up to the test of TIME !! Why, because humanity has been FASTING since the beginning of time !! Were our westernized societies 'educated' about real unbiased and time-tested science, we'd understand the difference between p$eudo-$cience and the TRUTH !! The Latin word for KNOWLEDGE is Science ... it's no mystery ! So, if you want to practice discerning the difference between fantasy and reality, open your eyes and ask yourself a few questions! If cutting nonsensical information & food-like substances out of your physiological / psychological 'diet' is so dangerous; then ... why does it HEAL US ????
Organic plant foods and unbiased & INDEPENDENTLY funded research are our only hope for WELLNESS !!!!!! So, get off the mainstream and get into the REALITY !!!