I like the last 2 collaborations of the Jump "dream team" as much as the next guy but Nr 3 falls apart hard after about 2 volumes. I quit the manga after what ended up becoming the start of act 2 but returned for the last volume. It is one of the worst endings I ever saw. Offensively bad but there is no way to talk about it without spoilers. The female lead also is the worst one yet so have fun with her. I wonder why Tsugumi Ohba has proven incapable of writing women. The assigned studio lastly sucks the 14 volume manga will be speed though in only 24 eps, maybe a blessing in disguise, so prepare for one of the most hated "high profile" anime in quite some time after the story gets going for real. The seemingly aborted Death Note by Netflix is better. Lol.
It's funny to see the anime getting a lukewarm reception right out of the gate. The adaptation is of course rushed AF, cobbled together and somewhat ugly but manga´s opening stretch is the "good" part. You all wait till this unintentional Death Note parody goes full Go Nagai. Not that I will stick this out but the last 2 or so episodes will receive very loud and open hatred. Can we get an Akumetsu anime instead? If anything try the manga but don´t. A 4/10 at first, a 3/10 by the end.