Will admit to not being massively crazy about the 2021 Spring Fling films in general. Of the previously aired Spring Fling films, 'As Luck Would Have It' (which oddly enough actually had the least appealing idea out of all of them) was the only one that for me was good and managed to be among the best 2021 Hallmark films too. 'Right in Front of Me' didn't sound like anything novel, but it also did sound charming and have been known to be on the same page as the Hallmark regular viewers here that liked this film.
'Right in Front of Me' left me very conflicted. Didn't hate it, with the cast being the main reason for it just about being watchable, far from it, but also did not love it as too much of the story was very weak. The premise didn't sound bad at all, but the film doesn't do enough with me. It is also one of those films that does get better if given a chance but it does take a while to get there and one cannot be blamed for strongly considering bailing during the first 30-35 minutes.
Am going to start with mentioning the good. Janel Parrish and Marco Grazzini are very appealing and easy to like leads, and succeed in making their characters real with strengths and flaws without over-doing either. Grazzini especially, being the slightly more consistent one of the two (Parrish took a little longer to grow into the role), is beautifully understated and charming. The chemistry between them is cute, never ill at ease and seemed genuine, the relationship also develops more believably than most Hallmark relationships. The supporting cast are solid.
The production values are also very nicely done, the beautiful scenery looking quite photogenic on camera. There are moments of charm and genuinely amusing playfulness and the film does have characters that didn't come over too much like over-perfect or over-negative stereotypical ciphers, a big common problems with Hallmark (especially the Christmas output).
On the other hand, the story is a major weakness. It is paper thin with an especially interminably dull and literally uneventful first 30-35 minutes, where bailing is considered. It does get better, but it is basically a more of the same variation of the common formula with not much freshness outside of the chemistry. The script does come over as stilted and corny at times and the charm and warmth could have been more consistent.
Did find the final quarter on the forced side in the writing and the ending too tidy. The direction is workmanlike at best and there is not much that is memorable about the music.
In conclusion, watchable but conflicting feelings here. 5/10.