I think this documentary is well done in the sense it seems pretty unbiased and just presents the story as it went. Doesn't add too much unnecessary shock value, good production quality, and keeps your attention. Worth a watch if you heard about this story in the news and are curious. I'm glad some of their families came on to speak about her, it gave an insightful and humanizing view.
It's really easy to see why people write off the members as dumb addicts, but I think it's very important to keep in mind that in the right scenario and struggle, anyone can be indoctrinated into a cult. This documentary was really able to show the community aspect of the group, and how that in itself was such a breeding ground for substance abuse, shared delusion, and toxic relationship hierarchies.
My takeaway: I highly encourage people (and wish the education system would teach), to be careful of conspiracy theories, learn about the BITE model, and really read the physiological effects of every drug on the brain before you partake. Spiritual psychosis is very real and studied.