Well today I binge watched the whole first series and I thought it was okay and yes just okay.
Being a big fan of the original series I thought I would give this series a serious go and watch the whole first season before embarking on a review.
A lot of the stories have come from the original series such as the first episode was about a keg which was done in the original series, there are many more points that you will notice this throughout the new show.
Now seeing the original cast in this series was a blessing in disguise because if it wasn't for them this show would dive right down the toilet.
The new cast are okay but the acting feels very much forced and it seems as if they're trying to hard to get laughs, which is a letdown.
It's great to see an old cast member in practically every episode and this helps the show.
When it comes down to it if it wasn't for the original cast this show would bomb. They make it. Maybe they should have made a new series with just the original cast in it, who knows, will I watch another season? Only if the original cast are in it.
Watch this for the original cast, they make it.