I think many player got this game all wrong which is sad because they are missing on some amazing combat and game.
Most of people think that parry is all the game is based on. Its NOT true at all. The game has many builds and play style. I finished the game and barely depended on only parrying. It all about how you play. What I am trying to say is that the game has many different gameplay style to choose from.
I loved Nioh 1 and 2 and specially Nioh 2. Wo Long takes Nioh combat to next level and makes its easier to execute and much more fluid. Though the divine beast system and spells are better in Nioh. BUT it was good to try something different otherwise it will be just the same right?
If you play on PC there are some very simple mods that can make the game look way better in a matter of a minute.
VERY underrated.... I hope the developers don't stop making games like these because of the false negative feedback.