Despite being somewhat off-putting early on, because of some characters being over-drawn, this movie is well worth watching. But be sure to stick with it until the very end. After watching it for a second time I needed to come back and increase my rating from 8 to 10.
After the opening sequences that establish the characters and the situations they face, and after the essential nature of the movie has been revealed, the plot really finds its footing and gets rolling. It begins pulling together different plot elements from earlier in the movie into a well-orchestrated, meaningful, engaging, and highly satisfying closing sequence of scenes. The acting was simultaneously both quirky *and* good.
There is a lot of subtle humor, and you'll want to pay close attention to pick up some of it. I missed a number of little throwaways the first time through. On the second time through I laughed when I realized how well they set up, in advance, some little bit of humor that I had not quite "gotten" on my first viewing. Without giving away anything about the actual plot, when you watch the movie, be sure to take a close look at the candle at the end of the opening scene, and also take note of the news story about the escaped reindeer not long thereafter.
There were also some good, solid comedic lines and events that were anything but subtle! My second viewing was even more entertaining than my first viewing had been, which is a rare thing for a movie to be able to pull off. Someone who had not previously seen the movie was watching it with me -- they had quite a number of break-out-laughing moments.
But this movie is more than just its humor. It also contains a number of deeper insights, and it presents some life lessons that we could all take to heart.
Overall, this is a well-crafted movie. As of Dec 4th, 2022, as I write this, "The 12 Days of Christmas Eve" is my favorite 2022 Christmas movie to date.
You can see all of my other favorite 2022 Christmas movies by clicking on my profile link above; then look for "2022 FAVORITE CHRISTMAS ROM-COMs" under "Lists".