Don't waste your time with it. Compared to shows that come from the US like Better Call Saul or Quarry I can't watch British films or tv series any more - the production values are so low, the scripts undeveloped, the entire approach is amateurish, cheap and cliched with silly special effects, flashbacks and moody music telling us what to feel.
It's unbelievable in any case, Brighton is so thoroughly gentrified I couldn't buy into this criminal family. The characters didn't work, couldn't believe in the two sons and the art gallery wife.
If they'd set it in another city like Bristol or Birmingham I might have bought into it more.
Instead, if you want a corking crime drama I'd advise you search out a DVD set of the 1988 Euston films series also of the same name, The Fear, which was about a thoroughly nasty little psychopathic wannabe gangster called Carl Galton, played by Scottish actor Iain Glen (who actually did manage a London accent). This doesn't rely on wonky special effects, of the F word to make itself 'edgy'. It's slow burning, intelligent crime drama with location shooting in actual clubs and bars (I know cos I was around at the time).
I can't say I was disappointed by this because my expectations now are so low I tend not to bother with anything coming out of Britain but it occupied my attention for an hour on a Tuesday evening. I won't bother watching the rest of the series.