Excellent! Made by Christians to non-Christians
TRK is a web series made for non-Christians.
Tries to show another view on what Seventh-day Adventists call " The Great Controversy " , changing the view commonly used (our : human ) for the Angels .
The series shows the trajectory of two angels very close (brothers / friends ) and who initially fought together side of " General" in the revolt of the angels against the " Administration " of the universe to date that would be the ultimate in life of all the angels . Also presents good secondary characters like Raina , who is in charge of recording interviews with both sides of the conflict impartially and his sidekick Atlan.
Was produced with great care and has a well bound and lean storyline. Trends and motivations of the characters are clear throughout the series, giving little room for theological speculation . The so- called " theological errors " are simply poetic licenses that match very well with the context and do not compromise theology.
Serves very well as a gateway to introduce theological themes in non-Christian audiences and please the fans of this generation of sitcoms. The outdoor scenes are a visual delight and the actors, although not as well known to the general public, has a very consistent performance with great individual moments.
Certainly the more purist Adventist public will not like, but few things written after 1910 please the purist Adventist public.