Well, when you put the words disaster movie and The Asylum together in the same sentence, then your first thought isn't going to be 'stellar entertainment'. Yet, I still opted to keep on watching "Continental Split" even after the opening logo displaying The Asylum.
And yeah, "Continental Split" is every bit as generic, laughable and low budget as you would expect it to be. Just like the majority of disaster movies out there actually.
The storyline that writers Gil Luna and Joe Roche put together was textbook material straight out of the How-To-Make-A-Disaster-Movie-For-Dummies handbook. The movie is one cliché after another, and the writers didn't conjure up anything grand or overly thrilling. "Continental Split" is one of those everything that nature has to throw at you happens around a small groups of protagonists, and yet they emerge victorious in the end. And you don't even believe for a second that the main characters were in any danger. So yeah, the writers definitely dropped the ball on this one.
I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in the movie. And while they had put together a fair cast ensemble, the acting performances were fair, despite the fact that the script and storyline was as generic and predictable as it could get.
Visually then this 2024 movie from director Nick Lyon is an archetypical disaster movie from The Asylum, complete with very questionable CGI effects that looks like they somehow managed to escape the 1990s.
It is rather amazing that a movie like this was birthed in 2024.
I managed to sit through the entire 88 minute runtime, but weren't particularly impressed or entertained. Yeah, some of us suffered through this ordeal so you don't have to; you're very welcome.
My rating of director Nick Lyon's 2024 movie "Continental Split" lands on a very generous three out of ten stars.