I was down to watch this movie after a friend sent me the trailer, because who doesn't want to watch a goofy western featuring a coma survivor with heavenly powers? I was hoping for something along the lines of Undead or Alive (2007), even if there weren't going to be any zombies in the saloons, and Joe Crist didn't disappoint.
I was hooked from the very start by the liberal use of the Wilhelm screams, a trick gay-run-teed to elicit gut laughs from fans of B movies. Joe comes out swingin' (or shootin'), and the action doesn't stop. With a runtime of only 53 minutes, there's no time to get bored!
While the writing isn't great and some of the delivery feels forced, both of those negatives make a positive when you're paying homage to old western films, because let's be real...we didn't watch those for the quality conversation either.
I will say that Mark Allen Michaels (writer/director/producer) has come a LONG way since Vampirez on a Boat. Joe Crist is still low budget, but it FEELS like a lot more money and time went into this project. Dallas Valdez as Joe Crist was the perfect choice; he's a natural protagonist in Michael's nutty stories. And he has a lot of hats.
If you enjoy bonkers films and can appreciate low-budget projects, definitely give this one a watch. If you don't laugh at the Wilhelm screams, we can't be friends.