Waste of time, they obviously made this documentary on the heels of Lacy's documentary on Netflix. Scott is seen smiling throughout the series smiling and very nonchalant which rubbed me the wrong way. Also, when asked who killed Lacy, he blames the two men for that one burglary that happened across the street, how convenient to blame others when reasonable doubt clearly points at Scott Peterson. Then they have a so-called journalist who thinks he's a detective and says that Scott didn't have a motive ... um hello, they forget about Amber Frei?! This so-called documentary was biased toward Scott. Then they try and say that Lacy was abducted in a van that was found burned, even though there was zero evidence of Lacy's DNA. The reach is real with one. I wish I could take back the hours I spent watching this mess. Lastly, may Scott continue to rot in prison. R.i.p Lacy and Connor.