Documentary compilation of one of the most controversial and talked about cases during the late 90s.
Who really killed this 6 year old girl still remains a mystery and although there have been many suspects, the real culprit has never been found.
This documentary is clearly biased towards the vision of JonBenet's father and his family, focusing on how badly the Boulder police acted. By saying this I don't mean that everything is is obvious that the police acted irresponsibly, negligently, that they planted false evidence and hid information that could have exonerated the family of guilt and yet they didn't. A witch hunt that only slowed down the investigation for years. Perhaps only Lou Smith, the detective who from day one said that the theory of the family's guilt was impossible, was the only one who did things right.
As with any case that is so old, contaminated forensic evidence prevented any culprit from being found.
It is a strange case from any angle, from the letter written asking for ransom, from the location of the body, the marks, everything that happened. The United States society has a huge problem that goes beyond beauty pageants for 6-year-old girls, which are aberrant in themselves; but also in terms of the possibility and access that sick people have who only want to satisfy their carnal and sick desires at the expense of the innocence of their victims.
One more case that I unfortunately doubt will ever be resolved and that left a family devastated and a society exposed to shame.