"No Tears for the Dead" is a modern day thriller set in Korea. It is partly in English and the rest is in Korean with subtitles. The film is from 2014 and it is currently on NetFlix Instant Download Streaming. It is written and directed by Jeong-beom Lee. The actors include Dong- gun Jang, Min-hee Kim, Brian Tee, Hee-won Kim, Jun Sung Kim, Jennifer Buttell, Yo-han Byeon, Alessandro Cuomo, Darell M. Davie, Anthony Diio, Christopher Hackney, Alexander Stephen Kabel, Dana Lee, Sung-wok Min, Kang Han Na, Tich Ting, Alex Wrath. The movie is about a hit man from America's mid-west who is of Korean decent. When he botches what was supposed to be his last job by killing an innocent kid, he is sent to Korea to fix what he screwed up by killing the kid's mother. It sounds a bit like a fish out of water story, but the movie only proves that the crime world is the crime world no matter what country you are from. Some of the criminals were speaking up to three different languages, but in the crime game there are only two languages in you really need to know
money and guns. I gave it a score of 6 stars. Dale Haufrect