Beau Smith(I)
- Writer
- Script and Continuity Department
Beau Smith has been writing comic books since 1986. He has written for
every major comic book publisher at one time or another. They include
DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Image Comics, Eclipse Comics, Dreamwave
Studios, Dark Horse Comics and many others. Smith is the creator and
owner of such hit series as Wynonna Earp, Parts Unknown, The Black
Terror and Cobb. He has also written major video games for Capcom.
Smith has been a noted columnist for many entertainment trade
publications such as Wizard Magazine, Entertainment Retailing, Comic
Book Retailer, Hero Illustrated, Sketch Magazine as well as having one
of the most noted columns on the internet called Busted Knuckles. There
Smith throws out commentary on all that is manly in comic books and pop
culture. Smith attended Marshall University in Huntington, West
Virginia where he majored in Journalism and Marketing. He has also
co-written with the likes of Chuck Dixon and screenwriter Kevin
Bernhardt on many other projects.