The Philippines' longest-running horror anthology series that is always shown in cinemas during the Christmas season. However, this one felt a little flat.
For the Glitch segment, while Iza Calzado and Donna Cariaga both delivered, something about it seems off. It was dragging and messy with sub-plots that were totally ignored in hopes some of us wouldn't even notice (I did). What was the point of the beginning aka the California setting when the people aren't even related to the main characters? Good thing I noticed the Gary stuffed toy which is the only thing connecting what goes down in the story that was pure chaos. There was no character development here whatsoever and no offense, but the performances of the kids were a bit too forced that still needs a tad bit of work. This segment was the worst. Also, the title does not even fit with the plot- I think Gary or "Friend" would've been more suitable. [1/5]
Mukbang was more comedic rather than a horror storyline because of the actors' performances. Still, it has a darker side of its story with a cannibalism setting however, I think the plot twist could've been revealed at the end rather letting the audience already know in the beginning-even when some could pick it up themselves. Esnyr Ranollo was the best one here, in my opinion. If this segment had something more to deliver especially with its characters that I don't even care for, this could've been way better. Great concept, but effort was wasted a bit. [3/5]
Rage was the best. I think in every Shake, Rattle, and Roll film, they always save the best for last and this one did prove that theory. Great performances with a successful story and characters that were really developed towards the end. The characters seem tolerable, more believable, and actually someone you could care about. Love that a final girl is once again represented in a Filipino film, too. [4/5]