The film Sylvio, although only a handful of people on earth have ever heard of the film has changed my perspective of the motion picture.
If I were to be asked what film defines about a year ago I would say something along the lines of emotion inducing or a journey for the senses. But that statement would be completely incorrect, as I've learned from multiple different film mentors and studies that film is a medium for expression that cannot be portrayed in a page of book or in a lyric of song. The film construct of modern day has been placed around a reason to control and react to new and old pictures. This all circles back to how Sylvio has broken all of these constructs and genuinely creates the aspect of a gorilla casually living in a world of humans with the same features as humans only a bit furrier. The films rhetoric revolves around the Ape actually representing the people who get angry easier and how to find a way to cope with the bad things in our lives.