I bought this on disk from a Dollar Tree having never heard of it, just taking a chance on some lower budget horror.
The set-up is a bit different than the tagline. It's not really "on a plane" but in a hotel, mostly in the main character's room. But other than the tagline suggesting more of a "Turbulence" or "Red Eye" sort of film, we get the idea pretty quickly, as she's in the room right away.
I'll do my best to avoid spoilers, but I'll say that the MC's "motivation" is a little heavy handed. Sure, guys can be skeevie and garbage at taking hints, but I'm not sure viewers will necessarily feel like they're on her side, let's say that.
I wish I could see the budget, because I suspect it was pretty low and yet I liked how it was shot, how things unfolded, and the buried guns as the story progressed. The effects were about on par with what I'd expect at this range, as well.
The story and writing was actually not shabby, considering that many low-budget horror flicks get mired in justifying why the characters do X or why circumstances went in Y direction. That was all right.
Inevitably, the acting is going to get a little rough, but that was pretty much with anyone save for the two central characters, meaning they did a pretty solid job, while you're one-liner supporting cast could prove a little weak (again, kinda expected).
It held some twists I didn't see coming or details I'd failed to remember, which is good. The ending could have been stronger, but that very much felt like a budget issue not a skill issue, if that makes sense.