For unknown reason, writer-director Ed Wood Jr, called this pilot Crossroad Avenger instead of the more accurate Tucson Kid. This is standard B-western fare without a strong lead character. Plus, the storyline is tedious and predictable.
Considering Ed Wood, wrote and directed such classics as Plan 9 From Outer Space and Bride of the Monster, this program is disappointing in that there is nothing perverse, unusual, ridiculous or comical. And, certainly nothing memorable. Also, it pales in comparison with Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, Hopalong Cassidy, the Lone Ranger, Zorro or even Bat Masterson.
Sadly, this is probably the most professional program written and directed by Ed but, unfortunately it is uninspired. Considering this is a pilot, the lead character is not strongly developed but then again this was written and produced many years ago.
This would have been more successful and enjoyable as a feature film although it still would not have been notable. If you seeking Ed Wood wackiness, then save your money. This is not the Ed Wood Jr. most of us know and love.