"Black Tuesday" is one of Edward G. Robinson's better gangster films...and that says a lot! He plays Vincent Canelli, a convicted murderer who is on Death Row. However, Canelli isn't one bit repentant about his actions. In fact, he's planning to escape...and taking one of his fellow inmates (Peter Graves). Why? Because this other Death Row resident apparently stole $200,000...and Canelli needs it to start a new life.
Instead of explaining his escape, let's jump ahead to the tense ending. Canelli and his fellow crooks are hiding out when the police discover their whereabouts...and soon there is a shootout and Canelli threatening to shoot the hostages he's taken. What's next? Well, you probably won't predict the finale...which I really appreciate.
The best thing about this film is the writing. It's top-notch and never relies on sentimentality nor cliches. Instead, it's tough and very exciting...and well worth your time.