Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons...
In my opinion, Gerry Anderson's greatest Supermarionation series if not the best series he ever made. This show is so full of memorable characters, quotes and of course the theme tune. It is very exciting and tense.
Well, I am a slightly blood-thirsty person! and i quite like violent films, so Captain Scarlet is great! There is sometimes a bit of blood, but nothing too extreme. This is why Anderson series' are cult classics; they know how fare to go with violence and themes. This is why it is ideal for fans of all ages! Nothing is too complicated or over-done.
The voice acting is probably the best of any Supermarionation show and almost every episode keeps you glued to the screen! The only thing which has stopped me from giving this show a 10 is the fact that I wish they were a little longer to develop supporting characters. Never the less most of the episodes are good at their own length.
I think that this is superior to the New Captain Scarlet computer generated show because everything is REAL. The problem with CGI shows is that explosions and effects are not real which I think is not as impressive. The visual effects by Derek Medding's team for Captain Scarlet are great like everything he did.
I grew up watching this series and hope that many more people believe that this show is better than the new one. It is dark and authentic, so what more do you want? Long live Captain Scarlet! Thanks for reading, godzilla1991