Yes folks, that's the last film of RG Springsteen. A film director specialized in westerns, and that's even more surprising to see that his last film is a crime drama. As John Sturges, two films before his retirement, gave us MC Q, a crime movie starring John Wayne impersonating Dirty Harry. This RG Springstee's film looks like a TV movie and is worth watching only because of its scarcity. Chris George is bland as usual but that's not a real problem for such a film. It is agreeable for early seventies gem diggers as me. The scheme is used, overused, so don't expect any surprise. Except maybe the horserace track heist, which will never make you forget Stan Kubrick's THE KILLING heist, but which is enjoyable to watch though. And also notice that director Sprinsteen gave us another junk, back in 1956, showing a race track cashier heist in TRACK THE MAN DOWN. This film is a masterpiece, compared to the other.