Let me just say that the only good thing about this film is the beautiful women in it. Other than that, the movie is just a waste of time. It's not often that I would say something like that about a film, most movies have some redeeming value, but this is one does not.
The story isn't too terribly bad, I mean it's relatively interesting, but the acting and the dialogue is just god-awful! Just about all the fight scenes were just terrible! I thought this guy Don "The Dragon" Wilson (I can't believe this guy actually gets credited on film as "The Dragon") was a terrible fighter. Apparently he is some kick-boxing champion, well...I wasn't really impressed. In his defense, it could have been the choreographer that made the fighting less than impressive, but I don't know for sure. Andrew Dice Clay had a few funny lines in the movie, but most of the time he was just useless. The rest of the cast was bad too, but I won't get into it.
Anyhow, I would never recommend watching this film unless you have NOTHING better to do with 2 hours of your life. If by some miracle you do happen to watch this film, I hope you enjoy it a lot more than I did. Thanks for reading,