This elegant film is written and directed by Yves Mirande with cinematography by Michel Kelber and Philippe Agostini. It is notable for the presence of Jules Berry, a brilliant and mercurial actor whose performances in 'Le Jour se leve' and 'Les Visiteurs du soir' guarantee him filmic immortality. I have always likened him to a thoroughbred racehorse and his energy and class dominate this film entirely. Marcelle Chantal is languorous, wears the gowns well and has a devastating smile but is an actress about whom it is difficult to enthuse. Lucien Baroux shows excellent timing in his scenes with Berry and exhibits a very pleasing singing voice. He was to star in 'Moulin Rouge' for the same director in 1940. The courtroom scene is marvellous and the final shot of the three leads walking off arm in arm is unforgettable.
A pleasing, charming and delightful film featuring a masterclass by Monsieur Berry.