Viewing this Marc Dorcel movie (for the first time) over 20 years after its release, I was struck by its fine escapist qualities, the changes, mainly superficial, that have occurred in porn since, and the contrast with American movies with a similar setting.
Action takes place at Roberto Malone's gas station, a milieu paralleling the Truck Stop genre in U. S. drive-in movies. Immediately we see a contrast in the luxury of a French/Dorcel production vs. A low-down Hollywood one: antagonist David Perry drives up in a stunning two-tone Rolls Royce Corniche convertible, later to whisk away Malone's stunning lover Nikki Anderson in movie's central plot conceit. There's plenty of anal sex, a bevy of beautiful women including Karen Lancaume and Silvia Saint, and 10 sex scenes presented concisely - a current porn feature would last well over 5 hours long to accommodate that much XXX content.
Key themes of voyeurism, amorality and a definitely oversexed population are on view, along with many nods to America, specifically a poster of Brad Pitt looming on screen during an early sex scene, as well as several visual references to Leo De Caprio. Even a glamorous party with many extras at Perry's chateau adds to the "real movie" aspect of what has since evolved into nearly all-sex content even in purported "features".