Music records and haikus.
A new anime movie on Netflix. Even though it was less than an hour and a half, I enjoyed this anime a lot.
The animation was visually striking and popping. I adored the style because almost every scene was full of vibrant color. There was never a full moment. The characters looked very cute too.
The premise of the story was pretty unique. The first half gave me such a cool vibe. I felt like cruising along with the characters and the dynamic city. In the second half was where the serious stuff happened. It was a cute story where the main characters tried to find an old record. At first, I wasn't sure how the haiku would tie to the main story, but towards the end, the play of words was clever and connect everything together well.
This leads to the two main characters. They both had their own insecurities and ways to hide them. However, I loved that they were tied together through haiku, and that the play of words and beautiful poetry helped both characters grow and face their insecurities.
My only problem was that the ending felt fairly rushed. There were two big moments, and the first one didn't have enough screen times to linger with me. The second big moment was beautiful and satisfying though. However, the emotion in the second kinda overshadowed the first moment. The movie should be a bit longer to make both moments, especially the first, more impactful.
Overall, a beautifully animated movie with a simple yet clever story and premise. For sure check out on Netflix. 9/10.