The idea that, however expertly dramatised, the detailed and extended recreation of the obscene crimes of a vicious psychopath should be presented as entertainment is a sign of something very wrong with the particular production chain that published this, and their view of their audience.
If you are 'inspired' by the true story of an abuser of women, serial torturer and murderer there is something very wrong with you.
What next? The 'inspired by a true story' dramatisation of the experiments of Mengele? An in depth recreation of the crimes of Brady and Hindley? An imaginary story of how Suzy Lamplugh died? There, three sick ideas for Amazon to chew on.
The creators of this nasty show will pretend that its disturbing nature shows that it is successful - if their aim was to disturb and nothing more. If your wish is to be disturbed (at the expense of the victims and their families), then you need a word with yourself.