Some characters are introduced under their own names: Aram Vardevanyan plays Armen Petrosyan, Rinal Mukhametov plays Bogdan Titomir, Nikita Presnyakov plays Vladimir Presnyakov, his father. Others only resemble real clip makers and representatives of creative bohemia: for example, the hero of Alexander Kuznetsov, Vasily Coppola (son of the famous director Grigory Coppola), is somewhat similar to Fyodor Bondarchuk, Tonya Vodkina (Maria Shalaeva) - to Avdotya Smirnova, Armen's elderly grandmother (Rose Khairullin) - on Mrs. Bronya, and the artist Okhlostanov, the star of the film "Eight and a Half Dollars" - on Ivan Okhlobystin, who really played the main role in the film. The main character (Alexander Gorchilin), bred under the transparent pseudonym Grisha of Byzantium, is the alter ego of Gregory Constantinoplsky himself. The prototype of the politician Bereza (Nikolai Fomenko) is the Russian politician of the 90s Boris Berezovsky.