I'm not a person that has ever written a movie review before but this movie caused some really intense inner rage that I felt I had to do one for this movie. Although production wise everything looked good, acting was fine and was generally a well made movie... where it went so horrifically bad was the cliché main characters that were impossible to like at all, with a storyline with way to many flaws to count and the lack of information for any situation that comes about or direction it goes.
The main character that out of nowhere becomes a boss zombie slayer and is meant to be the triumphant nice guy trying to save the girl he loves that the viewer is supposed to be barracking for was so unlikeable that i found myself hoping he fails with everything, suffers from some severe emotional pain before dying a slow horrible death. Any likable characters in the film were killed off not long after they pop up just makes everything more annoying!
Although this film actually had the potential to be a half decent movie if it had of somehow produced a more conclusive or even twist ending filling in any flaws in the plot and unanswered questions instead of the unsatisfying, unaccomplished expected one that is... SO I RECOMMEND NOT TO WASTE YOUR TIME WITH THIS FILM
Ps. Reading that people actually found it charming and enjoyable just added to my already boiling rage inside after watching it xD and the fact it was rated as high as it is just infuriated me and made this one of my most hated movies ever watched! lol but each to there own, people can enjoy or hate whatever they like