Several people have mentioned that the negative reviews are from people too dense or too uneducated to see this series as anything but brilliant. That's an uneducated take in itself. It is possible to both understand the satirical narrative of the series and its winking lambasting of geopolitics, political theatre, and the delicate dance of those who keep the powerful in power, and still find it unpalatable.
It's not a bad series; the acting and cast are fantastic, and there is an interesting story being told. But it's buried beneath so many layers of mismatched cinematic styles, jaunty musical score, and washed out color palettes that the effect was like a confusing mishmash of distinct film styles like Expressionism, Film Noir, and Postmodernism. Each of these styles are great on their own, and perhaps there is a new genre of television being formed in the making of The Regime. It's promising, it's bold, but was ultimately too distracting for me to get lost in the narrative.