To call this a documentary to begin with is a total inaccuracy. It is instead what I term a "mockumentary" where facts are glazed over and a story told that bears the bias of the producers of this film.
Lest I misquote something, listen to facts with a report originally seen on Local 3 News, a CBS affiliate in Huntsville (2022). Then pull up another local newspaper article as posted by news organization WHNT in September 2023. These two sources begin to offer different pieces of the puzzle that paint a very different portrait of Brittany Smith.
She has proven herself to be a scoundrel who flauts her probation violations--testing positive for alcohol and other drugs during her time on probation. She didn't complete court ordered courses. She also found her way back into court in 2023 when she was convicted of a double arson which carried a substantial sentence.
I realize that the report was zeroing in on Brittany, the wronged woman who stood up for herself by murdering her abuser and is left to suffer the fallout from a system that failed her. However, after reading a very different side to the whole story, her convictions and punishment for crimes committed are absolutely justified.
ALWAYS CHECK THE FACTS. Netflix aired a badly flawed report. I wonder if they actually performed their own due diligence prior to putting this on streaming. I find that I"m spending a lot less time on documentaries aired by Netflix and realize that they are not committed to a full and fair disclosure of ALL the facts--just the facts, mam.