I thought the original, 'Bull Shark', was actually decent except for the stupid ending. Unfortunately, in this lame effort, the stupidity extended to the entire movie. As with the original, I didn't think the acting was bad if you disqualify the first male character we meet. I imagine he won't be getting hired again anytime soon with this in his portfolio. But from the opening attack, which is totally unbelievable, to the completely inane final scene, this film is filled with one head-shaker after another. One of the worst features is the shark graphics. Which appear to be out of a first-generation video game. I don't think the shark they show is even a bull shark. At one point, the thing even changes shape. Also, it appears to be a baby, which would make the amount of attacking it does rather suspect. On top of that, in this huge 300 mile lake (I think that's what was said in the first film), the thing appears to occupy a 50 ft radius. And there's not much to the film other than the quest to kill the shark, which again, is done in a really stupid manner. Definitely not a successful sequel. I can't believe there is yet another one.