The Guiding Light (1952–2009)
A great soap:
1 January 1999
I admit,I do not care for the way Paul Rauch runs this show nowadays but through-out the 80's and well into the 90's,Guiding Light was the best daytime drama out there. The 4 musketeers (Mindy,Rick,Phillip and Beth) were by far some of the best characters ever. I miss the character of Mindy Lewis played by either Krista Tesreau or Kimberley Simms and GREAT actors like Beverley McKinsey (Alex) and Michael Zaslow (Roger) and soon the very talented Wendy Monez (Dinah) will be leaving,so sad. However many great actors still remain with the show like Michael O'Leary (Rick),Grant Aleksander (Phillip),Maeve Kinkead (Vanessa) and Mary Kay Adams (India) so for the the enjoyment of watching these great actors and a few others,Guiding Light still shines (only not as bright)
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