Slightly Chilly But A Top Drawer Touchy Feely 60s Movie
22 September 2003
Probably director Perry's finest hour, David AND LISA basically cost nothing and went on to gross a fortune despite its downbeat nature. Keir Dullea and Janet Margolin are wonderful in this nicely modulated yet off-kilter love story. The best romance stories are beset by the biggest obstacles and this movie touchingly lays out the challenging premise of blossoming love between two emotionally disturbed individuals with much to overcome. Sometimes cold and distant and not always a happy movie-going experience, David AND LISA is nevertheless a convincing and definitive testament to the thrills and agonies of young love. Those who like this movie might also consider seeking out the similarly touching Aussie movie ANGEL BABY, which also addresses the subject of love from the point of view of emotionally troubled individuals.
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