Redefines family entertainment. I had totally forgotten about this mini-musical until I came across it on the IMDb just five minutes ago, whilst looking for something else that I really don't care about now.
Dear old Sir Cliff! What a time to be 18/19! I was actually just 17 when this came out and so hopelessly in love with my cousin there WAS nothing else in my life at the time. God was feeling charitable towards me in those days and orchestrated events so that she happened to come to my hometown and stay over. I asked her to go to the local theater with me and we sat in the back row watching this film....least SHE did, I had other things on my mind! What does the plot matter? Cliff as a bus driver taking his friends (Cliff's backing group - The odd I can remember those names...Jet Harris, Tony Meehan and Hank Marvin....and I haven't even thought about them for forty years!) on a European vacation and picking up girls on the way - between songs of course.
God! I'd like to see this again! I still have the original 45 rpm release! (for those of you could really care).
Dear old Sir Cliff! What a time to be 18/19! I was actually just 17 when this came out and so hopelessly in love with my cousin there WAS nothing else in my life at the time. God was feeling charitable towards me in those days and orchestrated events so that she happened to come to my hometown and stay over. I asked her to go to the local theater with me and we sat in the back row watching this film....least SHE did, I had other things on my mind! What does the plot matter? Cliff as a bus driver taking his friends (Cliff's backing group - The odd I can remember those names...Jet Harris, Tony Meehan and Hank Marvin....and I haven't even thought about them for forty years!) on a European vacation and picking up girls on the way - between songs of course.
God! I'd like to see this again! I still have the original 45 rpm release! (for those of you could really care).