Isabel Sarli, albeit not nearly enough of
1 February 2004
This is a well-photographed (in B&W) exploitation drama by the famous team of director/costar Amando Bo (here billed as "Bow") and his voluptuous toplining star Isabel Sarli. She plays a party girl who falls off a yacht, washes ashore in a remote area, and works hard at wearing down the resistance of the upstanding man who takes her in--though (at first) he refuses to succumb to her advances, having chosen his ascetic country life after years of spiritually bankrupt hedonism. A little writhing around by Isabel, of course, and he's cured of THAT. Unfortunately, the four or so much-less-civilized cane workers who also labor in the area--without a woman in sight, let alone a bombshell like I.S.--also want a piece of her ample action. Violent struggle and assault ensues.

Just how much ensues, however, I couldn't tell you. This movie was apparently as long as 105 min. in its native Brazil. The Something Weird tape, however, is about 52 minutes! This English-dubbed print (which makes Isabel sound a lot less gaga than in "Fuego") ends VERY abruptly. There's some nudity here, so I'm not sure just what got cut out, but certainly the attempted (or more-than-just-attempted?) rape/chase climax went on for much longer. The result is very frustrating, because it's obvious there was a lot more here. Perhaps there are Spanish-language DVD or VHS releases closer to the original, uncut running time.

So, interesting for Sarli fans--if hardly as outrageously campy as that all-time exploitation classic "Fuego"--but be warned if you find the SW version (which is probably the only one available in the U.S.)
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