I couldn't keep this putrid "Feast" down
13 August 2004
A man in a mask injects herion into a gaggle of girls in between bouts of organ playing in this boring late 60's film. It was on the same disk as the superior "Night Of The Bloody Apes", so I felt what the hell, ya know? And every film I watch I feel the need to review. Even the VERY horrid ones. This is futher proof that Emilio Vieyra should have never gotten into making movies. Everything I saw of his is putrid, he's like the Argentian version of Indy-feces director Micheal Legge. YES that bad.

Something Weird Dvd extras: Outakes; Combo trailer; TV spots; comic art gallery; Short subjects: 'Gorilla and the Maiden', 'world's championship women's wrestling contest', 'Artist's Paradise', and 'White Gorilla'; Trailers for "the Deadly Organ", "Face of the Screaming Werewolf", "the Flesh Eaters", "Fleash feast", "Invasion of the Flesh Hunters", "Shiver Shudder Show", and "Tender Flesh". It's on a double bill with "Night of the Bloody Apes"

Easter Egg: Trailer for "the Curious Dr Humpp"

My Grade: F
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