A mildly pleasant distraction
20 April 2002
The title promises a little more than the movie can deliver, but "Turkish Delight" is harmless, light-hearted and fun. Rudolph Schildkraut is interesting casting as the misogynist New York rug dealer Abdul Hassan, who inherits the throne of a small, Middle Eastern principality; after he arrives, with his indispensable niece (Julia Faye), he discovers that he has been marked for oblivion by the murderous, scheming Sultana. May Robson is as stiff as a board in that role, but it works; one look at her and you know that it's useless to appeal to her better nature, because she doesn't have one. The acting is solid, and the titles are often clever, but the plot does tend to get lost towards the end of the movie when our heroes get caught in a crazy chase scene that looks as if it escaped from a Mack Sennett film. Finding this film will be difficult, and it isn't a masterpiece by any means, but if you do manage to catch it, it's a reasonably pleasant experience.
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