but the film has not aged well.
I saw it first many years ago but had the opportunity recently to revisit it with the child in my life. The mores of the era are striking - and acceptable to the movie going public of that time. ****mild spoilers ahead****
The father has not seen his three daughters in ten years, even though paying for their upkeep in a luxurious life style in Switzerland. The daughters have no problem with this apparently but do have a problem with him remarrying and come to New York to stop it.
All is sweetness and light with dear old Dad becoming enchanted with the youngest daughter, Penny, while virtually ignoring the older two.
Many small little twists and turns to the very slim plot line, Deanna's voice soars - and what an enchanting actress she was! - and all works out beautifully in the end for her silly old father and still heart-broken mother.
5 out of 10 from the child in my life who asked many questions about the era which necessitated stopping the movie several times to discuss them and 7 out of 10 from me for this nearly 70 year-old-curiosity. 6 out of 10 between us.
I saw it first many years ago but had the opportunity recently to revisit it with the child in my life. The mores of the era are striking - and acceptable to the movie going public of that time. ****mild spoilers ahead****
The father has not seen his three daughters in ten years, even though paying for their upkeep in a luxurious life style in Switzerland. The daughters have no problem with this apparently but do have a problem with him remarrying and come to New York to stop it.
All is sweetness and light with dear old Dad becoming enchanted with the youngest daughter, Penny, while virtually ignoring the older two.
Many small little twists and turns to the very slim plot line, Deanna's voice soars - and what an enchanting actress she was! - and all works out beautifully in the end for her silly old father and still heart-broken mother.
5 out of 10 from the child in my life who asked many questions about the era which necessitated stopping the movie several times to discuss them and 7 out of 10 from me for this nearly 70 year-old-curiosity. 6 out of 10 between us.